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86th AW/IG Complaints & Resolution Frequently Asked Questions

Fact Sheets


    86 VRS POV Inspection StationDSN 489-6400; +49-6315-36-6400Before shipping your POV, you should consider the following:- Body damage: If your car has severe body damage, it will not be allowed on the road.- Tires: Tires must have a minimum of 1/16 of an inch ( or 1.6 mm) depth over the entire tread


    ADOLESCENT SUPPORT AND COUNSELING SERVICES ASACS is a comprehensive program providing prevention education and counseling services to 11 to 19 year-old ID card holders in the military community. ASACS's mission is to provide comprehensive counseling services to adolescents and military families

  • Space A-Baggage and Prohibited Items

    Baggage and Prohibited Items BAGGAGE ALLOWANCES - Each passenger may check two pieces of checked baggage, 70 pounds each, up to 62 linear inches in size. Family members may pool their baggage allowances. Hand-carried baggage must fit under the seat or in the overhead compartment, if available.

  • Space A-Categories

    A complete listing of eligible passengers by category is contained in DoD 4515.13-R.  The following is a partial listing of eligible individuals. Category I: Emergency travel on a round-trip basis in connection with serious illness, death, or impending death of a member of the immediate family of

  • Space A-Command Sponsorship

    Command Sponsorship This documentation is valid for one round trip from sponsor's PCS duty location. There is no limit on the number of letters a commander may issue. Dependents must present a copy to passenger terminal personnel, and a copy must remain in their possession during travel. Passengers

  • Space A-Contact Information

    Phone: DSN (314) 479-4440 Comm. from Germany 06371-46-4440 Comm. from Europe 00-49-6371-46-4440 Comm. from USA 011-49-6371-46-4440 48 HR Flight Schedule Recording: DSN (314) 479-4440 Comm. from Germany 06371-46-4440 Comm. from Europe 00-49-6371-46-4440 Comm. from USA 011-49-6371-46-4440 FAX: DSN

  • Space A-EML Information

    Environmental Morale Leave 1. Environmental and Morale Leave (EML): Leave granted at overseas installations where environmental conditions require special arrangement for leave in more desirable locations at periodic intervals. There are two types of EML, Unfunded EML (UEML) and Funded EML (FEML).

  • Space A-Example of Command Sponsorship Letter

    Need Squadron LetterheadMEMORANDUM FOR 123 APS/Commander FROM: Name Unit 3295 APO AE 09094-3295 SUBJECT: Verification of Command-Sponsored Dependent 1. My dependent listed below is command-sponsored and eligible to travel unaccompanied: a. Spouses Name b. SSN#: 123-45-6789 c. Relationship: Spouse d.

  • Space A-Example of EUCOM Letter

    Sample of Deployment Verification letterDepartment of the (your service) Unit or Command Memorandum for the AMC Terminal From (Unit ID) Example: HHC 3/25th Armor Subject: Authorization for Command Sponsored Dependents and Cat IV Deployment Verification1. The following individuals are

  • Space A-Flight Information

    Please use the contact information link to find out about the flights. Thank you for cooperation