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86th AW/IG Complaints & Resolution Frequently Asked Questions

  • Passenger Travel Section

    TMO/SATO makes arrangements and provides reservations and ticketing for all official travel arrangements.

  • Passports & ID cards

    Ramstein Passport OfficeLocation:  Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Bldg 2106, Room 110Hours of Operation:  Walk-in hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Please schedule an appointment to apply for a passport to minimize your wait time and the

  • PCS Orders Checklist

    Congratulations on your new assignment!The following documents are required to receive your PCS orders. All documents MUST be hand-carried (2 copies). Please submit all documents 120 days prior to projected departure date.***NOTE: Incomplete packets will be returned to the member without

  • PCS Timeline

    Here is a PCS timeline to keep you on track during your outprocessing.180-120 days from DEROSReceive assignment notification. Attend ROP within 30 days of notification of assignment to receive virtual out processing checklist.120 days from DEROSVisit the Passport Office (Bldg. 2106, Rm 110)Begin


    Performance Period is over References                  - AFI 36-1001                  - 5 CFR 430                  - 5 USC CH 430

  • Pet Licensing and Vet services

    Updated January 2023Licensing and Vet ServicesUpon arrival or adoption of new pets, all pets living on and off-base, must be registered with the Kaiserslautern Veterinary clinic on Pulaski Barracks (Vogelweh Military Complex), Bldg. 2928 or another Military Veterinary Treatment Facility (i.e.

  • Pets

    A message from Gen. Mike Minihan to Patriot Express travelersFrankfurt Customs Clearance for Courier Services+49-69-690-78372 (Import)+49-69-690-70895 (Export)Pets in Germany -- Germans love their animals, but they also take pet ownership very seriously, as we all should. So before figuring out all

  • Physical Resiliency Tools

    ALCOHOL & DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION & TREATMENTThe ADAPT Program promotes readiness, health and wellness to minimize negative consequences of substance abuse in the Air Force family. This program provides education and treatment to people who experience problems attributed to substance misuse and assist