Exceptional Family Member Program - Medical

RAMSTEIN EFMP – Medical is located in the Ramstein Clinic (building 2114, first floor) on Ramstein AB, Germany.  We serve Ramstein and 170+ geographically separated units to include Stuttgart, Rota and Moron with multiple EFMP Medical processes to include: EFMP Enrollment, EFMP Disenrollment, Family Member Travel Screenings for PCS, Command Sponsorship, EFMP Reassignments, Humanitarian Reassignment Support, Newborn Letters, Travel Appeal Support and Tricare ECHO Enrollment.

For all other needs and inquiries to include requests for an in-person appointment, please reach out to us by email at our organizational email box: usaf.ramstein.86-mdg.mbx.efmpm@health.mil

For more information regarding the Exceptional Family Member Program, please visit the following websites:

Click the respective link for your EFMP needs



If you are near the end of your tour you will need to start the process with EFMP to get clearance for your next duty station.  Upon notification of your assignment, you will need to complete a Family Member Travel Worksheet and other various forms.  See the above navigation for information on each process.  If there are any questions or concerns contact our org box at any time for further guidance.

Family Member Travel Screening Timeline/Flowchart

Command Sponsorship

AF Form 1466 -  Please complete the highlighted portions on pages 1-3. Page 2 section II, ensure to list 0 (number zero) and sign if the whole family will be traveling. Page 3, list all dependents, initial each statement and sign.

AF Form 1466 Interview - Answer all questions.

AF Form 4380 - Answer all questions.

FMTS (Family Member Travel Screener - (for all dependent enrolled for medical and/or any dependent with specialty care needs) Please answer all questions and provide as much details as possible for each condition receiving care.
        *All Family Member Travel Screenings are initiated by the sponsor after they receive their assignment notification.  Please log into https://myvector.us.af.mil to begin the process. If you have any difficulty with this system, please email our office.

DD Form 2792 - (For each dependent requesting Command Sponsorship) complete top of pages 3-8 with Family Member/Patient Name, Sponsor’s Name, and Sponsor DoD ID #.  Complete page 2 to include patient or guardian’s signature. Complete Demographics on page 3, items 1-6c.The rest of the form will need to be completed by the primary care provider. Please remember to sign page 3 block after the form has been completed by the medical provider.
*Dependents 18 and older will need to sign their own DD Form 2792*

DD Form 2792-1 - (For dependents enrolled for educational needs) complete all of page 2 and page 3 until section 3.  The remainder is to be filled out by your child's school.  Also included with this form we require:

      -The most current up-to-date copy of the child's Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
      -Individualized Family Plan (IFSP)
      -A copy of your assignment RIP.



IAW AFI 40-701 states “Enrollment in EFMP is mandatory for RegAF members where family member conditions are identified that meet enrollment criteria, as specified in DoDI 1315.19.”

DoDI 1315.19 states that EFMP enrollment is needed if any of the following criteria are met:

Please refer Attachment 1.

As a result, we have Q-coded you as the sponsor to reflect your family member’s enrollment status. This Q-code is placed on our personal record as the sponsor and serves as an “assignment limitation code”.

This does not mean that you are being limited in pursuing any assignments that you may choose to. It only means that the Air Force cannot force you as the sponsor to PCS to or remain at any duty station where your enrolled dependent cannot receive appropriate/suitable care for their specialty care needs. You are still able to pursue any assignment that you wish to and complete the appropriate clearance process for that assignment as any other AF member would do.


The following forms are required to be completed in order to finalize your dependent’s EFMP enrollment: AF form 2523, DD form 2005 and Ramstein EFMP Initial Contact Form.  Please complete in MyVector ( https://daffamilyvector.us.af.mil )


EFMP disenrollment for medical needs is accomplished by having a military PCM or off-base provider fill out a new DD form 2792 that indicates resolution of the previously identified specialty care needed along with any necessary supporting documentation (medical records) showing that the specialty care no longer applies to your dependent. This updated form can be brought to the EFMP office on Ramstein Air Base in building 2114, Rm. 146 for review and final determination on enrollment status.

EFMP disenrollment for educational needs is accomplished by having your dependent child’s school (for children with IEP) or early development intervention service providers (example: EDIS for children with an ISFP) complete a new DD form 2792-1 showing that your dependent’s special educational needs are no longer necessary.

Accelerated Orders

The New Accelerated Orders Initiative (AOI)

1. Effective 18 March 2022, AFPC is expanding the Accelerated Orders Initiative (AOI) for eligible Service Members (exceptions listed below).

2. This AOI enhances the Service Member's experience by providing orders in-hand prior to fully completing all Permanent Change of Station (PCS) requirements.

3. This expedited process facilitates earlier scheduling of Household Goods (HHGs), passenger travel, and Passport/Visa applications (etc.) and simplifies the customer service experience.

4. This is a two-part orders process and members will NOT be cleared to PCS until an amendment is issued stating member dependents have been cleared to travel.

5. There are only a few airmen who will be excluded from this initiative:
a. Accessions
b. Pipeline students and trainees
c. PPCs of 999/PAG/9NC/CAA/SAV/91Z
d. Those relocating with dependents to Eielson AFB

Part 1. The Following Four Items Must Be Initiated Prior to Issuing Orders:

1. Active Duty Member’s Medical Clearance
a. Members must initiate the Individual IMR clearance process (screenshot required).
b. Fill out medical clearance memo (attached)
c. Fill out AOI acknowledgment memo (attached)
d. Return these three items to MPF (786FSS.dpmar@us.af.mil).

2. Initial MyVector Travel Screening Questionnaire is complete and the Family Member Travel Screening application is initiated (when required – not all families will be directed to do a full application).

a. Members must login to MyVector and complete the screener.
b. And initiate a MyVector FMTS application when required.

3. Retainability (If applicable)
      a. If member is missing retainability for their next assignment, the process needs to be initiated to be eligible for AOI.

4. Follow-On Assignment Determinations (If applicable)

* Please know that the EFMP office does not give you any approval document or notification to submit for your accelerated orders request. The MPF can see in their MyVector system when a sponsor has met the MyVector requirement for Accelerated orders

*Accelerated Orders will now allow you to book important moving appointments! But please remember that they do not give you permission to sign out of your base nor do they give your dependents permission for travel. You must still complete part 2 below!

Part 2. Family Member(s) Cleared to Travel:

1. Accelerated orders MUST be amended to document the Final Dependents’ Travel Determination before ADSMs are permitted to final out from their losing base/MPF and travel to their new PCS location.

2. Once the MyVector Travel Screener is cleared by AFPC Central Cell, an amendment will be issued.

3. This amendment must be authenticated in the OPA section with the following comment: “All dependents medically cleared for travel on (date)”.

4. If the sponsor decides to travel without their dependent, then

a. The OPA section comment must then read “Dependents will not relocate”
b. This election should be documented on the AF Form 965
c. This should also be documented in their MyVector Travel Screening Questionnaire
d. These dependents should under no circumstances relocate with the sponsor to an overseas base with the plan to ask for command sponsorship once they arrive at the new duty station as this process in lieu of a MyVector Screening is not permitted by the Central Cell or allowed by overseas gaining bases

*Service members who PCS to the gaining location without completing mandatory PCS requirements (i.e. the completion of their Family Member Travel Screening through MyVector) will result in a Category I discrepancy, an FDI failure and may face disciplinary actions.

*Additional difficulties will occur for families who travel to without clearance to overseas bases:

o Their dependents are not assured access to MTF medical care or base educational supports at their next assignment.

o Their dependents will not have command sponsorship at their overseas base and will not be able to legally enroll in Tricare Prime Overseas or receive Primary Care Management (have a physician assigned to care for them) at base medical clinics. They will also not qualify for nurse case management, referral services or medical movement.

o They may have to pay back any funds that were used to move their families to the unauthorized location.

o They may face major delays (possible up to the entire length of their unaccompanied assignment tour) in any attempt to request any sort of exception to policy for a post-pcs-in-lieu-of-proper-PCS-clearance command sponsorship at their new overseas location.

o They do not have access to the EFMP reassignment benefit as they chose to accept this assignment unaccompanied and therefore without the promise of medical and educational supports for dependents.

This is important for our Active Duty Service Members and their Families to understand this initiative and to be able to access the benefits without complications and delay. The Accelerated Orders Initiative, when used correctly, greatly benefits our family members and still ensures that USAF Dependents will have access to all medical and educational supports they require!

Annual Updates

What is an annual update?

Annual updates provide the opportunity for a check-in between enrolled dependents and the Special Needs Coordinator at EFMP. This allows the EFMP team to ensure that all enrolled dependents have an up-to-date EFMP record and provides an opportunity for families to address any changes in dependent medical needs.

IAWI AFI 40-701 states that the EFMP Special Needs Coordinator ensures Q-coded sponsors assigned to the installation are contacted annually to update their EFMP status, and provide any updates needed in contact information, family composition, or family member conditions; verification of need for continued enrollment as well as pending PCS should also be discussed.

If there have been any changes in the specialty care needs of an enrolled dependent, they will need an updated DD form 2792 completed by their medical provider.

For any questions/concerns, please contact EFMP:
Email: usaf.ramstein.86-mdg.mbx.efmpm@health.mil
Phone: +49-6371462375 or DSN 314-479-2375

Newborn Letter


  • 2 week well exam from Ramstein or any MTF 
  • Email to .org box with:
    1. First/Middle and Last name for infant.
    2. Date of Birth
    3. Location of Birth
    4. Sponsor’s full SSN 
  • If infant is born outside of MTF, yellow book (TRANSLATED) must be provided from off-base physician.
    *Please note that the letter will be send to sponsor global military email, due to not being able to send it to personal emails.
    *Translation services are provided on base as needed. 


-If you are planning to request EFMP Reassignment, please see your local EFMP office and make an appointment with the Special Needs Coordinator. Also, the sponsor needs to talk to their shirt, chief, or commander to inform them of their request and to assist with the process. Any engagement with your functional manager/assignments officer will go through your command staff.

-EFMP Reassignments can only be requested if you have a family member enrolled in EFMP. If you have a family member with specialty care needs who is not yet enrolled, the first step that the Special Needs Coordinator and Technicians will take is to help you enroll that family member.

-If there is more than 1 person in the family enrolled into EFMP, ensure the other person/people on EFMP all accomplish an updated 2792 or 2792-1 and IEP/IFSP (if on EFMP for education) if necessary. Engage with the Special Needs Technicians as soon as possible for a medical screening to see which paperwork is required for which dependents.

-Turn in all 2792s/2792-1s/IEPs/IFSPs to the EFMP-M office at once. Ensure page 3 of 2792 and page 1 of 2792-1 are signed. The Special Needs Coordinator (SNC) will then conduct a review of the current network capabilities and create a letter of support that is mandatory for package submission.

-When SNC provides the complete package tailored to your specific case (which may include 2792s/2792-1s and IEPs/IFSPs, a Q-Code Letter, a SNC Letter of Support, a copy of your original 1466 which approved travel to your current location)… then the Sponsor will need to upload to vMPF.

-Please know that you may also submit a Memorandum For Record from the sponsor/family along with the rest of the documents in your package. This does not need to have a specific letterhead or format. It can read for EFMP Assignments from Name and Rank of the sponsor. It may be used to communicate any important additional information you would like EFMP Assignments to know such as the reasoning behind requesting a specific location (i.e. family support or a previously used medical specialist). This MFR however is NOT necessary.

-The Sponsor will need to upload the complete package into virtual MPF. When you log in to virtual MPF you will want to select “self-service actions” in the navigation menu on the left hand side of the screen. Then you will select “assignments” and “exceptional family member program application”. The rest should be self-explanatory.

-Any questions or problems with the upload process through vMPF should be directed towards the Total Force Center at DSN 312-665-0102/ Commercial (210) 565-0102. They are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These are the individuals who man the phones for the EFMP-Assignments office.

-Please note** the Sponsor will get to list 1 base of preference in vMPF. I recommend you choose something realistic rather than your dream base (realistic= base where sponsor is needed and services are robust). IMPORTANT TO KNOW: The Air Force has 11 expedited bases. These are bases that usually approve travel recommendations because there are ample services in the area. These are great for your base of preference if you know Sponsor is needed there: Lackland, Randolph, Bolling, Andrews, Hill, Langley, Luke, Los Angeles, MacDill, Wright Patterson, Nellis.

-You will know that your submission was successful when you receive a control number. This number is to help identify your case. A successful submission also initiates a message to your commander asking them if they are aware that you are requesting reassignment. Your commander can not disapprove your reassignment, however he/she will be able to approve that they are aware and support you.

-After upload, the assignment matching process begins: 5 potential bases are picked first by where your dependents medical care needs should be able to be met and secondly according to the needs of the Air Force, your job and your rank. Those bases will get your family’s package and they much each determine if they currently have services to support your dependents’ needs. Out of the 5 bases that do have services, AFPC will choose a base.

-EFMP-M Ramstein does not have access to the submission and will not be able to answer questions about the status after submission because the process is no longer controlled by us. EFMP-Assignments and AFPC control the process from here on out and the next notification, if it is approved, will come directly to the member by AFPC in the form of a new assignment. There is no other phone number than that of the Total Force Center to call about the assignment. At this point, patience is required. If there should arise a reason that you need to add updated or new information into your reassignment package, you will need a MSgt/Lt Col or higher in your chain of command (first sgt or commander) to call the total force center for you using your control number. You cannot call and neither can the EFMP Medical office. However, please let us know if you have any concerns or questions and we will do our best to assist you.

-From the time of reassignment submission, it takes about 6-7 weeks to get an official notification of new assignment. Most Report No later Then Dates are set for 30 days out from notification. Please work with your leadership if you need to request that this date be shifted.

-Please know that you cannot turn down your new assignment.

-ONCE THE PROCESS IS COMPLETE AND YOU HAVE YOUR NEW ASSIGNMENT YOU DO NOT NEED A 1466 TO OUT-PROCESS AT THE MPF. If the MPF tells you otherwise, let them know your assignment was loaded as an EFMP REASSIGNMENT. They can process orders without a 1466 for EFMP Reassignments only.

ECHO Enrollments

The TRICARE Extended Care Health Option (ECHO) provides supplemental services to active duty members (ADFMs) with qualifying mental or physical disabilities.  ECHO offers integrated services and supplies beyond those offered by your TRICARE program option.  Active duty sponsors with family members seeking ECHO services must enroll in their service’s Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) (unless waived in specific situations) and register for ECHO with their regional contractor or TRICARE Area Office (TAO) director overseas to be eligible for ECHO benefits.

ECHO Eligibility:

  • TRICARE-eligible ADFMs, including family members of National Guard and Reserve members called or ordered to active duty service for more than 30 consecutive days
  • Family members who are eligible for continued coverage under the Transitional Assistance Management Program
  • Children or spouses of former service members who were victims of physical or emotional abuse
  • Family members of a deceased active duty sponsor (during the period they are in transitional survivor status)


AF Form 1466 -  Complete pages 1-3. Page 2 section II, ensure to list 0 (number zero) and sign if the whole family will be traveling. Page 3, list all dependents, initial each statement and sign.
How-to AF Form 1466 Interview - Answer all questions.
- AF Form 1466D - Required by some bases.  Please email the EFMP office at usaf.ramstein.86-mdg.mbx.efmpm@health.mil to verify.
AF Form 4380 - Answer all questions.
FMTS (Family Member Travel Screener) - (for all dependent enrolled for medical and/or any dependent with specialty care needs) Please answer all questions and provide as much details as possible for each condition receiving care.
*All Family Member Travel Screenings are initiated by the sponsor after they receive their assignment notification.  Please log into https://myvector.us.af.mil to begin the process. If you have any difficulty with this system, please email our office.
DD Form 2792-1 - (For dependents enrolled for educational needs) complete all of page 2 and page 3 until section 3.  The remainder is to be filled out by your child's school.  Also included with this form we require:
      -The most current up-to-date copy of the child's Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
      -Individualized Family Plan (IFSP)
      -A copy of your assignment RIP.

AF Form 1466-  Complete pages 1-3. Page 2 section II, ensure to list 0 (number zero) and sign if the whole family will be traveling. Page 3, list all dependents, initial each statement and sign.
How-to AF Form 1466 Interview  - Answer all questions.
AF Form 4380 - Answer all questions.
FMTS (Family Member Travel Screener) - (for all dependent enrolled for medical and/or any dependent with specialty care needs) Please answer all questions and provide as much details as possible for each condition receiving care.
*All Family Member Travel Screenings are initiated by the sponsor after they receive their assignment notification.  Please log into 
https://myvector.us.af.mil to begin the process. If you have any difficulty with this system, please email our office.
DD Form 2792-1 - (For dependents enrolled for educational needs) complete all of page 2 and page 3 until section 3.  The remainder is to be filled out by your child's school.  Also included with this form we require:
      -The most current up-to-date copy of the child's Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
      -Individualized Family Plan (IFSP)
      -A copy of your assignment RIP.