Family Advocacy is the primary office for the support of education, prevention and treatment of family maltreatment involving active duty members and their families. Outreach services include New Parent Support Program, prenatal and pregnancy classes, anger management, parenting classes, marital therapy and therapy for abuse cases, counseling and referral resources.
FAP provides a wide range of services geared towards the specific needs of families. FAP staff works closely and collaboratively with military command, military law enforcement personnel, medical staff, family center personnel and chaplains, as well as civilian organizations and agencies, to prevent family violence and help troops and families develop healthier relationships.
Sometimes families or couples cannot cope with their conflicts in a healthy manner. If violence or maltreatment occurs, we can provide intervention to include couple's counseling, individual counseling, family counseling and educational classes. We work together with squadron commanders and first sergeants to facilitate an environment free from danger of further violence to the victim. We work with all helping agencies to deliver services.