Space A-Contact Information Phone: DSN (314) 479-4440 Comm. from Germany 06371-46-4440 Comm. from Europe 00-49-6371-46-4440 Comm. from USA 011-49-6371-46-4440 48 HR Flight Schedule Recording: DSN (314) 479-4440 Comm. from Germany 06371-46-4440 Comm. from Europe 00-49-6371-46-4440 Comm. from USA 011-49-6371-46-4440 FAX: DSN (314) 480-2364 Comm. from Germany 06371-47-2364 Comm. From Europe 00-49-6371-47-2364 Comm. from USA 011-49-6371-47-2364 Email: Customer Feedback: Alternative: Call Base Operator 314-479-1110/Commercial 49-6371-46-1110, Explain lack of success with attempting direct dial calls and request to be connected to the passenger terminal. Hours of Operation: Mon-Sat 0400-2300, Sun 0600-2300 Notice: Individuals seeking flight information are requested to contact the passenger terminal directly. Please do not send Email requests for information. Due to the high volume of email traffic, agents are not able to respond to any requests for information.