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86th AW/IG Complaints & Resolution Frequently Asked Questions

  • FAQEN9

    I am currently employed with the US Forces. Do I have to submit copies of school leaving certificates etc. ?You do not need to submit them when you are sure that all documents are filed in your official personnel folder. Internal applicants from the US Army or AAFES need to submit copies of


    Questions & Answers concerning DoD volunteers and workers' compensation coverage Federal Employee Volunteer Initiative Frequently Asked Questions


    Questions & Answers concerning DoD volunteers and workers' compensation coverage Federal Employee Volunteer Initiative Frequently Asked Questions

  • Feiertage

    Gesetzliche Feiertage in Rheinland-Pfalz 2012   Amerikanische Feiertage 2012  

  • Final Outprocessing Appointment

    What is Required at Your Final Out-processing Appointment?***You MUST be scheduled and you MUST be in uniform for your final out-processing appointment (ABU/Flight Suit/Blues Recommended)***Final out-processing briefings are held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 0900 in Bldg. 2106 (MPF), Room

  • Finance

    Managing your finances before, during and after your moveThe 86th Comptroller Squadron is located in building 2108 and can be contacted via email at 86cpts.cs@us.af.mil. It may take up to a couple pay periods before your overseas entitlements are shown in your paycheck. Check your Leave and Earnings

  • FMO Appliance Manuals

    Beko Beko Dryer_DC 101230 Beko Dryer_DCU 8230N Beko Dryer_DU 8133PAO Beko Refrigerator - RCSA 366K40XBN Beko Washer_WMB 101434LP1 Beko Washer_WML 81434NPS1 Beko Washer_WTV 9744XWO Beko Washer_WTV 10744X Beko Washer_WYA 101483PTLE Bosch Bosch Dryer_WTE 86305


    Leave Request Application Forms USAFE Travel Expense Voucher Form 182 (Training Request)


    Urlaubsantrag Bewerbungsboegen USAFE Reisekostenabrechnung Form 182 (Formular zur Beantragung von Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen)