Commander's Action Line

The Commander's Action Line gives all Airmen, retirees, families and community members a direct link to the 86th Airlift Wing commander. The Action Line can be used to express constructive points of view on the policies and procedures of the base; discuss safety and security issues; and address problems, concerns, or suggestions after traditional methods have been exhausted.

Commander's Action Line Guidelines

- The wing commander wants your input. However, members should use this tool after coordinating problems or concerns with supervisors, first sergeants or commanders. If you are unable to resolve the issue, the Action Line is for you.

- Messages without contact information will not be routed. Submissions must include a name, an e-mail address or an alternative method of contact. The requestor's contact information will not be published in compliance with Privacy Act restrictions. The submitter's name may be used unless he or she requests to remain anonymous.

- Commander's Action Line submissions must be written in a courteous or professional tone. Examples of letters that will not be published include personal attacks, insults or sarcasm; personal messages to a group or person; and those that advertise a product, group or website.

- In the letter state the issue or concern, action already taken to resolve it, and as many details as possible.

- If a Commander's Action Line submission is of general interest to the wing and/or community, the query may be published on the web and Kaiserslautern American.

- Submissions may be edited for grammar and length.

Commander's Action Line Guidelines

  • Submit a CC Action Line by clicking here, or via email at: For questions intended for the “Commander’s Corner,” please include “Commander’s Corner” in the subject line and/or the body of the email.” -- Make this section the first section above “Commander’s Action Line.”

Phone Numbers

Below are key telephone numbers to keep in mind when trying to resolve an issue:

All numbers are DSN, commercial extensions are as follows:
478-XXXX ..... 06371-405-XXXX

Inspector General: 480-2457

Equal Opportunity: 480-2250

Medical: 479-2551/2661

Dental: 479-2210

MPF: 480-6608

Services: 480-5286

Law Enforcement Desk: 480-2050

Lodging: 480-4920

Legal: 480-5911

Northside: 480-6148
Southside: 480-5753

SARC: 480-7272

Wing Safety:
Ground: 480-7233
Weapons: 480-2590
Flight: 480-1840

Finance: 480-5548/5549

Civil Engineer: 480-6540

Family Readiness: 480-5100

Public Affairs: 480-9199