Welcome to 86th VRS Kapaun Vehicle Inspection

POV Inspection at Kapaun Air Station is utilizing the QR code to schedule appointments for Vehicle Inspections. Re-inspections following inspection fails are still automatic walk ins. Customers can utilize the link provided (https://book.2meters.app/places/PJBWM2TM5VLGkbipNVbh) or QR code below:

Vehicles brought from the continental U.S., previous duty station or purchased locally must be registered with USAREUR. All shipped vehicles and used vehicles purchased in Germany must pass a mechanical safety inspection before they can be registered, except new POVs. New POVs that have never been registered in any system for more than three months are exempt from the requirement for a mechanical inspection before initial registration. Safety inspections may be completed up to 75 calendar days before a registration expires. An inspection is also required when a POV registration has been canceled for failure to renew the registration or to provide proof of liability insurance. Inspections of POVs conducted by the Technischer Überwachungs-verein (TÜV) or the Deutscher Kraftfahrzeug-Überwachungs-Verein (DEKRA) are valid and honored for 60 calendar days from the date of the inspection.


  • Inspection Requirements

    Inspectors will not inspect a vehicle that does not have a valid registration or missing a completed AE Form 190-1AA or 0190-1O.

    POVs must carry a first-aid kit that meets German legal regulation (Deutsche Industrienorm (DIN 13164)). Kits must not be more than five years old. Effective January 2022: First aid kits must include two individually wrapped face masks in the kit. (Mask type: DIN EN 14683 TYPE1 or higher standard such as KN95/FFP2) Masks must be stored in the first aid kit, it is not sufficient to carry the masks anywhere else in the vehicle.

    POVs must carry an approved portable, reflectorized warning triangle. (Dimensions ECE Regulation 3 x 4,5 x 3 cm)

    POVs must carry a reflective vest

    Vehicles weighing more than 3.5 metric tons will be rejected if they are not equipped with an approved warning triangle, four-way flasher, or portable flashing lamp. 


  • POV Ownership Transfers

    POV must pass a mechanical safety inspection within 30 calendar days before the date of transfer. POV owner must have a completed Inspection AE Form 190-AA to complete the safety inspection. The customer will be turned away if they do not have the form during the time of the inspection. Once the vehicle has passed inspection, the buyer may receive a 1- or 2-year registration through the Registration office.

    Buyer may accept the seller’s POV registration expiration date without a mechanical safety inspection. To be able to do so, the registration must have at least 60 calendar days remaining at the time of transfer.

Make an appointment

inspection points

  • Kapaun

    86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron
    Kapaun AS, Bldg. 2807
    Hours of Operation:  Monday - Friday 7 a.m. to 11:30 and 12:30 p.m. to 3:00
    DSN: 489-6400

    Email our org box here: 86vrs.pov.inspection@us.af.mil


Why vehicles fail inspection