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86th AW/IG Complaints & Resolution Frequently Asked Questions

PCS Timeline

Here is a PCS timeline to keep you on track during your outprocessing.

180-120 days from DEROS
Receive assignment notification. Attend ROP within 30 days of notification of assignment to
receive virtual out processing checklist.

120 days from DEROS
Visit the Passport Office (Bldg. 2106, Rm 110)
Begin your Dependent Remain Overseas (DRO) package, if needed. (Bldg. 2106, Rm 315)

120-90 days from DEROS
Turn in all required documents for PCS orders (Bldg. 2106, Rm 315) 2 copies.

90-60 days of DEROS
Send Port Call itinerary to relocations to schedule Final Out-Processing appointment (Bldg. 2106,
Rm 315).

2 days prior to Port Call date
Attend Final Out-Processing Briefing (Bldg. 2106, Rm 426). E-mail or call your relocations to
schedule your appointment.

Outbound Assignments
Bldg. 2106 Room 315

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 0830 - 1300 and Tuesd 300
Monday - Friday 0830 - 1300 and Tuesd
General Line: 480-9898/06371-47-9898