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Household Goods: Outbound

Updated September 27, 2023

Contact info:
86th Logistics Readiness Squadron Traffic Management Flight
Bldg 2106, Room 211
DSN 480-2163, Opt 1

Walk-in hours:
Monday through Friday, 7.30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Closed on American/German holidays, family and goal days.

Scheduling Your Household Goods Pick-up
Traffic Management Office (TMO) customers utilize the Defense Personal Property System (DPS), an automated system developed to help simplify the move process and initiate Household Goods movement. As a DoD Customer, DPS allows you to have 24-hour access to its many features such as online counseling, claims settlement, and shipment tracking.

All personnel are required to create a DPS account at https://www.militaryonesource.mil/moving-housing/moving/pcs-and-military-moves/

You can do this prior to having a movement order. Check out the FAQ (Frequently asked questions) on the "Resources page" under "moving resources" to become familiar with the program/get helpful tips how to plan your move and the "Quick Reference Guide" in the upper right-hand corner of the DPS landing page for tutorials on how to perform specific tasks in DPS.

You are not required to accomplish the DPS Self Counseling if you fall into any of the below categories:

-First move
-Retiring/separating (military only)
-Putting Property into Non-Temporary Storage (NTS)
-Moving from off-base to on-base housing (local move)
-Student travel

Pls visit our office during our customer walk in hours with 3 copies of your orders to initiate the process or email a copy of your orders to our PPPO org box: 86lrs.lgrdppo@us.af.mil

For all other personnel, you are required to accomplish Self Counseling in DPS - pls see attached "TIPS from TMO"

After you finished your shipment(s) in DPS, email our work center org box at 86lrs.lgrdppo@us.af.mil  with a copy of your orders and DD Form per each shipment. Or bring those items to our office during walk-in hours. Do not wait to schedule your shipments until you receive your port call. During peak season your requested date might not be available anymore. Schedule your pick-up outside your port call window to avoid conflicting bookings. 


Your shipments will NOT be booked until you attend a TMO briefing and sign all necessary paperwork.

Shipping Alcohol
United States Customs & Border Patrol permits the importation of alcohol in household good shipments when prior approval is obtained and advance documentation is provided. Individuals wishing to ship alcohol in their household goods are subject to State, Federal, and US Customs requirements, taxes, fees, and restrictions. All additional fees associated with the shipment of alcohol are solely the responsibility of the customer.

The following documentation must be turned into the members TSP (local agent/carrier) NLT the first day of packing:

- Power of Attorney (POA) for your Transportation Service Provider to clear your alcohol through US Customs. Please print and complete the POA; this does not need to be notarized by the legal office.
- Completed alcohol inventory: Each column of the alcohol inventory must be filled out in its entirety and the total number of liters must be annotated on the inventory.
- Written permission from the state the customer is moving to authorizing the importation of alcohol in household goods. Contact information for each state's Alcohol, Beverage, and Control (AB&C) Board can be found at the following link:

Shipping your POV:
All information regarding the cleaning, scheduling, and shipping of your POV can be found at www.PCSmyPOV.com.

TMO Personal Property VIPER SharePoint (helpful information on preparing for your upcoming move) https://usaf.dps.mil/sites/86ittools/VIPER/SitePages/TMO/PPO.aspx

Helpful Links
Shipping Alcohol
Postal Reimbursement
Shipping your Motorcycle
Cleaning Instructions
Customs Information
Customer Responsibilities
Lithium Batteries FAQs
POV Shipping Requirements
IAL POV Processing FASTPASS Flyer 
IAL POV Storage Flyer