Pre-arrival housing information What housing actions should I take before I arrive to Ramstein? This depends on your status -- accompanied members may choose to live in government-controlled quarters or may live in the community. However, despite the options, housing on base is limited to a small percentage of the population due to the Department of Defense standard that drives housing numbers. More than 85 percent of the military population lives off-base, so most newcomers should plan for this same scenario. Unaccompanied Air Force E-4s with less than three years of service and below must report to Central Dormitory Management, Bldg. 2108 (ensure your sponsor is helping coordinate with dorm management). Staff sergeant selects and E-4s with over three years of service will reside off base. Unaccompanied Army E-6 and below must report to Army unaccompanied housing located in Bldg 3213 in Kleber Kaserne for processing. ON BASE: Again, more than 85 percent of military residents in the local area live off-base. Housing on base is limited to key and essential personnel. Those seeking on-base housing should be prepared to initially live off base, and may be on a waiting list for several months, up to two years. Members desiring base housing should submit an advanced application (DD1746) through their losing housing office. The effective date of their application will be the date the member departs the losing installation. Members transferring from a Unaccompanied Restricted Tour receive credit (maximum 12 months) on the waiting list. Members not submitting an advance application must apply within 30 days of arrival to receive the same effective date of an advanced application. If they apply 30 days or more after their arrival date, the effective date will be the walk-in date. For more information check out the Government Housing fact sheet. OFF BASE: For information regarding off-base listings please visit No registration required. Input *Ramstein AB* in the "Find properties" dialogue box on the home page to find the most current listings through the KMC Housing Office. Keep in mind the selection of amenities in houses here is much different than what most people are used to in the states. Also, the Temporary Lodging Allowance is only good for so long... so the earlier you start looking, the better. Ask around your new unit for ideas and recommendations of villages that might suit you. For more information and tips on off-base house hunting, check out the community housing fact sheet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The KMC Housing Management Office assists military members and civilian employees collecting Living Quarters Allowance, in securing a home on base or on the economy. This service is available to members who are command-sponsored or have an approved non-availability letter from the dormitories. Service members are required to receive a newcomers housing brief within two duty days of arrival. The Main Housing Office is located on Vogelweh in Bldg, 1001. They are open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and closed on German and American holidays. They are also closed after 11:30 a.m. the second Wednesday of each month for training. For information about housing, call DSN: 314-489-6671/6672