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86th AW/IG Complaints & Resolution Frequently Asked Questions

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Updated Jan. 02, 2020

Government Housing
Though there is government housing offered in the Kaiserslautern Military Community, more than 85 percent of the population lives off base, so you should start house hunting off base even if desire to live on base due to the long waiting period.

Members desiring base housing should submit an advanced application (DD1746) through their losing housing office. The effective date of their application will be the date the member departs the losing installation. Members transferring from a UDR tour receive credit (maximum 12 months) on the waiting list.

Members not submitting an advance application must apply within 30 days of arrival to receive the same effective date of an advanced application. If they apply 30 days or more after their arrival date, the effective date will be the walk-in date.

We offer Government Housing in three areas: Vogelweh, Ramstein and Landstuhl. Our inventory consists of 3 and 4-story multi-unit stairwell buildings and townhouses. All units have 110 and 220 volt electrical outlets, built-in dishwasher, mini-blinds or rolladens and ceiling fans.

Townhouses have small private yards and an attached garage. You will be responsible for yard maintenance and snow removal whether you decide to live on or off-base, so you may want to bring a lawnmower if you already have one. Cable television is available at resident expense (no satellite dishes or external antennas are authorized in base housing). 

Waterbeds and outside storage sheds are not permitted. Privately-owned outside recreation equipment may be installed inside the back yards of townhouses. Schools and playgrounds are located throughout the housing areas.

Self-Help stores are located on our Ramstein and Vogelweh housing areas:

Ramstein AB, Bldg. 859

Vogelweh Housing, Bldg. 1070

*Hours of operation are Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. As a reminder, the stores are closed on German and American Holidays.

Absence From Quarters

Refuse and Recycling Collection

Recycling in Germany is the law. The Air Force is responsible for providing refuse and recycling containers in MFH areas, which will be emptied at regularly scheduled times. We use two types of containers, if you live in townhouse, single, or quad type housing units the containers are wheelie bins. If you live in stairwell units you will use the underground dumpsters in your neighborhood. For both, we segregate paper, light recyclables/light fractions, and non-recyclable trash; the underground containers are marked with what goes in each, the wheelie bins, three per unit, are color coded (blue for paper, brown for biodegradable waste, and black for non-recyclable trash) and are augmented with yellow bags for the light recyclables/light fractions (yellow bags can be picked up at housing self-help).

Please see the below links for current trash and recycling information:

Waste Calendar for Jul-Dec 2018


Residents may not board dogs of any breed (including a mixed breed) that are deemed "aggressive or potentially aggressive," unless the dog is a certified military working dog that is being boarded by its handler/trainer or approval is obtained by the Installation Commander in writing. For purposes of this policy, aggressive or potentially aggressive breeds of dogs are defined as a Pit Bull (American Staffordshire Bull Terrier or English Staffordshire Bull Terrier), Rottweiler, Doberman Pinscher, Chow and wolf hybrids. Prohibition also extends to other breeds of dogs or individual dogs that demonstrate or are known to demonstrate a propensity for dominant or aggressive behavior as indicated by any of the following type of behaviors:

  1. Unprovoked barking, growling or snarling at people approaching the animal
  2. Aggressively running along a fence line when people are present
  3. Biting or scratching people
  4. Escaping confinement or restriction to chase people 

Additionally residents may not board exotic animals such as, but not limited to, reptiles, rodents (other than hamsters and guinea pigs), ferrets, hedgehogs, skunks, rats, raccoons, squirrels, pot bellied pigs, monkeys, arachnids, or any farm animal.

For a complete list of rules and restrictions please contact the housing office.

Waiting Time
Waiting times for base housing vary depending on your preference housing category and number of bedrooms authorized. You will be offered housing based on your area preference and availability. If we cannot adequately house your family in government housing, we will help you find a home on the economy until base housing becomes available.

Please visit the Housing Introduction page for the current wait times.

MFH Resident Information:


Deployment Contact Sheet

Air Force Dormitories
The Dormitory Reception Center (DRC) staff assigns and terminates rooms for single unaccompanied E1 - E4 (under three years of service) personnel. The Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (UPH) is centrally managed at Ramstein in Bldg. 2108. Telephone: DSN 480-DORM (3676). Dormitories are managed under Consolidated Dormitory Management (CDM) and space is allocated to each organization to house personnel to ensure unit integrity.

BAH Waiting List
E-4 and below UPH residents who wish to reside off base with entitlements may fill out a BAH application through the Central Dormitory Management Office located in building 2108. The housing director may authorize BAH releases if the wing wide UPH occupancy rates are above 90%. BAH is released by date of rank, with the most senior member on the waiting list offered the first opportunity to move.

Information for E3s and Below
Occupancy is MANDATORY for E-3s and below. E-3s may be assigned to quarters or may be allowed to move off base according to their position on the BAH waiting list.

Army Barracks
All single and unaccompanied Army personnel E-6 and below are required to live in Army barracks unless they receive a statement of non availability from Army Housing to live on the economy. For further information please contact the Army Housing Manager at DSN: (314) 483-8202 or Commercial: 49-(0)631-411-8202

Childcare, schools & family programs 

There are a wealth of programs for family members in the Kaiserslautern Military Community.

Though you can wait to get familiar with many of these programs once you arrive, there are a few things you can do early to help ease the transition for you and your family.