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86th AW/IG Complaints & Resolution Frequently Asked Questions

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Ramstein In-processing

For info on RIP Schedule

Email: 786fss.ramsteininprocessing@us.af.mil


***NOTE*** RIP is exclusively held in the RIP Computer Lab Bldg 2402.  Seating is limited to 65 personnel.  To register for RIP please use the following URL: https://booknow.appointment-plus.com/9rm3mcns/ Use the drop down to select Location: 786 FSS MPF (Bldg 2106), then use the drop down to select Base Agency: Ramstein In-Processing Center (bldg 2402), lastly use the drop down to Select Base Service: Ramstein In-Processing Center.  A calendar will pop up and the member will have to navigate to the required month and day.  Click on the desired day to attend and select: Book It.


*Make sure to use your personal email for notifications (NOT .mil)

*Members are encouraged to schedule as early as possible, especially during the peak PCS season (Jun-Sep) to guarantee a seat.

*Notify your unit upon arrival to Ramstein if you have not already connected with your sponsor.

*All military members are required to attend the 2-day Ramstein In-Processing event, or "RIP," within 5 duty days of arrival. This is a mandatory formation for ALL inbound Airmen, and members are required to be in uniform. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis.


At a minimum, the following items are required to be hand carried.

  1. 6 Copies of permanent change of station (PCS) Order and Amendments (if applicable)
  2. All travel receipts to include the vehicle shipping document
  3. Sealed PCS envelope from losing Outbound Assignments or Student Actions
  4. Pen (Black or Blue)
  5. Government Travel Card (GTC) balance/statement


RIP is currently offered twice a week – Mon/Tues and again Thurs/Fri - in bldg 2402, Computer Lab off Maxwell Avenue. The first briefing begins @ 0800. Limited parking is available, so you are encouraged to have your sponsor drop you off.


CSS’s will be notified of any schedule changes due to U.S. Holidays, Family Days, and Wing Goal/Down Days. 


The Finance brief on Day 2 (Tues and Fri) is in bldg 2402, RIP Computer Lab. Members must attend the Finance briefing to prevent incurring a large debt.  The Finance briefing starts @ 0800 (except for the third Tuesday of the month it is @ 0900), and is individually paced.


For information about the RIP schedule, email 786fss.ramsteininprocessing@us.af.mil, or visit our SharePoint from a NIPR computer at https://portal.usafe.af.mil/sites/86MSG/435MSS/786th%20Force%20Support%20Squadron/ROP/SitePages/Home.aspx


After completing RIP, you will still need to complete the following:

- Vehicle pickup (if shipped)

- Any unit-specific in-processing actions