RAMSTEIN FOIA Requester Service Center To submit or track a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request please submit a request by clicking on the "RAMSTEIN FOIA" link below or send your request to ramstein.foia@ramstein.af.mil. NOTE: This office handles requests for 435 ABW, 86 AW and 38 CSW. For 700 CONS requests, please send to: 700 CONS/LGCP Unit 3115 APO AE 09094-3115 Please ensure the following are included in your FOIA Request: - Name - Mailing Address - Brief description of records being sought - Willingness to pay processing fees - Must mention FOIA in the request E-Mail FOIA Request to: RAMSTEIN FOIA Purpose of the FOIA Program The public has a right to information concerning the activities of its Government. DoD policy is to conduct its activities in an open manner and provide the public with a maximum amount of accurate and timely information concerning its activities, consistent always with the legitimate public and private interests of the American people. A record requested by a member of the public who follows rules established by proper authority in the DoD shall not be withheld in whole or in part unless the record is exempt from mandatory partial or total disclosure under the FOIA. As a matter of policy, DoD Components shall make discretionary disclosures of exempt records or information whenever disclosure would not foreseeably harm an interest protected by a FOIA exemption, but this policy does not create any right enforceable in court. In order that the public may have timely information concerning DoD activities, records requested through public information channels by news media representatives should be encouraged to eliminate the need for these requesters to invoke the provisions of the FOIA and thereby assist in providing timely information to the public. Similarly, requests from other member of the public for information that would not be withheld under the FOIA should continue to be honored through appropriate means without requiring the requester to invoke the FOIA. DoD Policy It is DoD policy to make records publicly available, unless the record qualifies under one or more of the nine exemptions and/or under one of the three exclusions. FOIA Processing Time Limits - Once an agency receives a correct FOIA request, it has 20 working days to make a determination on the request. - In unusual circumstances, an agency will request an extension from the requester in writing why it needs the extension and when it will make a determination on the request. - When a Component has a significant number of pending requests that prevent a response determination being made within 20 working days, the requests shall be processed in a multitrack processing system based on the date of receipt and the amount of work and time involved in processing the request. FOIA Requester Appeal Rights - Requesters have the right to appeal all denial decisions - Appeals must be submitted within 60 days of the Initial Denial Letter - Appeal must be sent through the office that initially denied the information