Space A-Injured Soldiers Family Member Travel Injured Soldier Family Member Travel Information U5246 TRANSPORTATION AND PERDIEM OF FAMILY MEMBERS OF A SERIOUSLY ILL OR INJURED MEMBER NOTE: SEE par. U5246-D regarding per diem. A. General. Not more than three family members (see par. U5246-B) of a member described in par. U5246-A1 or U5246-A2 may be provided round-trip transportation and per diem under this paragraph as determined by appropriate authority. In extenuating circumstances, the Service Secretary may authorize more than three family members' transportation and per diem. See par. U1010-B1 for claims. 1. Active Duty Member Including a Member of the Reserve Components on Active Duty. Round-trip transportation and per diem is authorized to visit an active duty member who is seriously ill, seriously injured or in a situation of imminent death, whether or not electrical brain activity still exists or brain death is declared, and who is hospitalized in a medical facility anywhere in the world. 2. Member of a Reserve Component Entitled to Disability Pay and Allowances. Round-trip transportation and per diem is authorized to visit a reserve component member entitled to disability pay and allowances under 37 USC 204(g) (see DoDFMR, Volume 7A paragraph80254 and table 8-2-3 at or COMDTINST M7220.29 (series) par. 12-Q and figure 12-2 for Coast Guard personnel at who is physically disabled as the result of an injury, illness, or disease incurred or aggravated, or in a situation of imminent death, whether or not electrical brain activity still exists or brain death is declared, and who is hospitalized in a medical facility anywhere in the world if that member became ill or injured or was diseased: a. In the line of duty while performing inactive-duty training (other than work or study in connection with a correspondence course of an armed force or attendance in an inactive status at an educational institution under the sponsorship of a n armed force or the Public Health Service), and b. While traveling directly to or from such training. 3. Member Retired due to Illness or Injury. Round-trip transportation and per diem is authorized to visit a member who is retired solely on account of a serious injury or illness, or as a result of a declaration of imminent death, whether or not electrical brain activity still exists or brain death is declared, and who is hospitalized in a medical facility anywhere in the world. This transportation and per diem is to be provided incident to and about the same time as the occurrence of the serious illness, serious injury, or the declaration of imminent death, and is not intended to provide transportation at a later date. This authorization does not extend to retirees who incur serious injuries or illnesses after retirement, whose serious illness or injury that resulted in their medical retirement reoccurs or is aggravated after retirement, or whose death becomes imminent after retirement. NOTE: The families of cadets/midshipmen are not eligible for this transportation. B. Definition. "Family Members" as used in this paragraph are the member's spouse, children (including step, adopted, and illegitimate children), siblings of the member and parents of the member (includes fathers and mothers through adoption and persons who have stood in loco parentis to the member for a period of not less than 1 year immediately before the member entered the Uniformed Service). However, only one father and mother or their counterparts may be recognized in any one case. C. Transportation. One, or a combination, of the following round-trip transportation services between the family member's home and the medical facility exercising military control over the member determines in writing that the presence of the family member is necessary for the health and welfare of the member is concerned: 1. Transportation-in-kind; 2. Reimbursement for the cost of personally procured commercial transportation (CTO use is still mandatory) 3. Automobile mileage rate (see par. U2600) for the official distance traveled by POC. Government/Government-procured transportation must be used to the maximum extent practicable for transoceanic travel. Reimbursement provided in par. U5246-C2 is subject to par. U5203-A1b for land travel and par. U5207 for transoceanic travel. When land travel is by mixed modes, reimbursement is for actual travel up to the cost of personally procured transportation between origin and destination (minus the cost of any Government-procured transportation used). When travel is by POC, only the POC operator is authorized the allowance prescribed in par. U5246-C3. D. Per Diem. Per diem may be paid for family members traveling to and from visits (and while at the site during visits) with a member who is seriously ill or injured. Only the same three family members (or those authorized by the Service Secretary in par. U5246-A) who are transported under this paragraph may receive per diem. (See Appendix E for ITA issuance guidance.) E. Reimbursable Expenses. The member is authorized reimbursement for the expenses listed in pars. U1410-A and U1410-C incurred incident to travel under this paragraph. Receipt requirements are same as those in par. U2510.