Space Required Travel Information Space Required Travel Information How do I get signed up? In order to get signed up all duty passengers traveling on orders are required to sign up in person at the Passenger Service Center at your local terminal. We cannot accept fax, email, or over the phone sign up. When can I sign up for travel? Once you have your travel orders in hand you may come down to your local passenger terminal and get signed up. When you sign up space required, you can only sign up for one specific destination at a time. Space Required Travel with Weapons Passengers traveling to and from the AOR need to have their weapon in a hard container and it must be locked. They cannot be in a wooden crate. Weapons can only be transported in suitable locked containers; this pertains to individual and bulk loaded weapons. Ammunition aboard DOD-Controlled Aircraft: Each individual is allowed to travel with small arms ammo, excluding tracer ammunition. However, each individual is allowed no more than three magazine clips total in checked baggage. Magazine clips must be contained in a pouch, holder, holster, or lanyard. AMMO ABOARD DOD-AIRCRAFT Message Space Required forward movement destinations OEF AOR Information: For passengers trying to travel into the Afghanistan AOR we suggest that any passengers that would be delayed here at the Ramstein Passenger Terminal proceed to Manas AB, Kyrgyzstan and get forward movement from their to get to there final destination. OIF AOR Information For all passengers traveling to the Iraq AOR who cannot get forward movement out of the Ramstein Passenger Terminal we highly encourage passengers to travel to either: Al Udeid, Qatar or Kuwait International, Kuwait. Forward movement into the OIF AOR can be obtained at these locations. OEF/OIF Passenger Terminals US CENTCOM AOR Phone Numbers Adana, Turkey (ADA) DSN 318-676-6424 Al Udeid, Qatar (IUD) DSN 318-437-2609 Ali AL Salem, Kuwait (KEZ) DSN 318-442-2182 Baghadad, Iraq (SDA) DSN 318-446-3028 Bagram, Afghanistan (OA1) DSN 318-231-4683 Kandahar, Afghanistan (KDH) DSN 318-341-1124 Manas, Kyrgyzstan (FRU) DSN 318-476-0131 3rd SPECIAL FORCES GROUP LNO- Local Phone 01604-66-7723 From States 011-49-1604-66-7723