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86th AW/IG Complaints & Resolution Frequently Asked Questions

Before departure to Ramstein

Besides booking a room for you, your family and the family pet -- 
there are actually lots of things you can do to help make your transition
to Europe easier before even setting foot on the ground in Germany.
  1. Contact your sponsor 
  2. Take the Driver's exam
  3. Set up your mail
  4. Temporary lodging
  5. Request housing 
  6. Got passport? 
  7. Pet guidelines
  8. Schools/youth programs
  9. Ship your car 
  10. Unaccompanied baggage, household goods 
  11. Buy a GPS with European maps
So you've done all your homework, your household goods are shipped
and you're making your way to Germany ... but how do you get
to Ramstein and what's next? Check out more information on
getting to Ramstein.