Unaccompanied baggage Unaccompanied Baggage Unaccompanied baggage is shipped airfreight to Germany. Typically your unaccompanied baggage will be available to you within 35 to 60 days of shipment. Check with your transportation office for your authorized weight allowance and ensure that your baggage is under that weight. Overweight unaccompanied baggage may not be able to be shipped via air, therefore increasing shipment time. Mailing items to yourself is also an option. Contact your origin transportation office for information and authorization to do so. Keep in mind, your mail will take longer to reach the KMC than a package would take stateside, but this option may be faster than shipping as unaccompanied baggage. Recommended Items to Pack in Unaccompanied Baggage: · Cleaning supplies · Linens, blankets & towels · Books & toys for children · Next season's clothes (German seasons can change unexpectedly) · Military items & professional items (not uniforms or paperwork) · Tools · TV & VCR/DVD Player (Please see paragraph 'Electricity') · Desk lamps · Alarm clock (battery operated as electric will not function properly unless for 220 volts) · Baby furniture--crib or playpen, walker, etc., (highchairs and car seats are available from ACS for 30 day loan. Please call for availability at DSN 489-6476). To avoid confusion, schedule unaccompanied baggage, household goods and temporary storage pick-ups on separate days. Don't forget, there are many resources to ease the transition to the KMC. Lending closets offer many items to borrow for up to 60 days: cookware, dishes, utensils and some small appliances. The Furnishings Management Office (FMO) also has items to borrow while you wait for your household goods shipment to arrive and for the duration of your tour. Contact FMO at DSN 314-489-6153 or commercial 011-49-631-52489 for more details. Ask your sponsor to send you the current list of loaner items from ACS or A&FRC. For more information, check out the Move.mil Web site.