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86th AW/IG Complaints & Resolution Frequently Asked Questions

New Employee Onboarding Information

Shape Early Experiences

You want the transition for your new employee to be a smooth one. Stay in touch with your HR professional and communicate reguarly with the selectee after the tentative offer has been made so that he or she knows what is happening in the process. Your HR professional will take care of the paperwork and orientation, while you work with your facilities department to make sure the appropriate workspace requirements and any reasonable accommodations are in place. From Day One, you have the opportunity to make your new employee feel welcomed and as a valued member of your staff.

Plan For A Successful Day One

Make sure you have arranged for the appropriate workspace requirements to be in place. Welcome your new employee, introduce that person to your staff, key personnel in your organization, and ensure that a staff sponsor or mentor has been assigned.

Cultivate A Positive Experience

Make sure there is substantive work for your new employee to do, and set clear and realistic performance expectations. Provide information on training and development opportunities as needed.

Stay Informed And Involved

Touch base with your HR professional and the candidate on a regular basis after the tentative job offer has been made.

Consult the Hiring Manager's Toolkit section for helpful onboarding tips and checklists.

Onboarding Key Activities Matrix

This one page matrix provides tips on how to successfully onboard a new employee in various phases, including before their first day; during their first day; after their first week; after their first 90 days; and after their first 6 months.

Onboarding Checklist

This checklist is a quick list of general items to help prepare you for your new employee's arrival, be it before their arrival, during their first day, or how to encourage cultivation during the first 90 days.

Onboarding Guide

This guide provides an explanation on the importance of onboarding along with a number of worksheets to help ensure your new employee feels welcome and engaged.