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86th AW/IG Complaints & Resolution Frequently Asked Questions

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Updated June 26, 2024

Education Center (Adult)
Bldg. 2120, 4th floor
Mon/Tue/Thur/Fri: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. / Wed:  9 am to 1:30 pm / Closed on Family Days and Holidays
DSN: 314-480-2032; +49-6371-47-2032
Email: 86fss.ramsteineducationcenter@us.af.mil

Children, Youth Education
Department of Defense Dependent Schools operates schools at Ramstein with classes ranging from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. The elementary school is for grades Pre-Kindergarten-2, the intermediate school is for grades 3-5, the middle school is for grades 5-8 and the high school is for grades 9-12.

Check out the DoDD Schools fact sheet for information on each school, to include registration requirements and dates, or the DoDDs-Europe Web site.

Keep in mind, where you live is where your children will go to school, so check out the KMC school zoning pamphlet to ensure you understand how the schools are broken out amongst the villages.

Private Schools
Americans can use the local German schools; however German language skills are needed beyond kindergarten. German kindergartens are the most frequently used of all the German programs by Americans. The older the child, the more German language skills are necessary.

Adult Education
The Ramstein Education Center is the focal point for education information for the Ramstein community. We offer educational services to all active duty, retired military personnel, their families and Department of Defense civilians. Various associate's, bachelor's and master's degrees are offered by the universities in the area.

Other services offered at the Education and Training Section are as follows:  education counseling, college testing, military testing, financial aid counseling, tuition assistance for active duty military members, VA benefits counseling, Community College of the Air Force counseling, provide information on Air Force COOL program, SkillBridge Program, commissioning, and much more. 

Check out the Ramstein Education Center Fact Sheet for information on programs available on Ramstein.

Special Education
Currently, services for the severely-impaired are not available. Please contact the National Information Center for Children and Youth with Handicaps P.O. Box 1492, Washington, D.C. 1-800-999-5599.