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86th AW/IG Complaints & Resolution Frequently Asked Questions

Virtual Outprocessing

Updated October 13, 2017

Personnel are required to complete the Virtual Out-Processing Checklist online prior to attending their final out appointment. 
Outbound Virtual Out-processing Checklist
Upon attendance and completion of Ramstein Out-Processing (ROP) your vMPF Virtual Out-Processing Checklist (vOP) will be loaded.  Your vOP checklist eliminates some physical stops by combining your squadron and base checklist into one.   

    - Go to Virtual MPF
    - Click "Individual Actions"
    - Then click "Assignments"
    - Scroll down and click "Out-Processing"
A link to your checklist should be on the left. If you do not see your checklist, contact your relocations counselor at 480-9898.

Some of the base agencies listed in Ramstein's vOP will not apply to you; a simple phone call can be used to be checked off.

Please ensure that your correct address is reflected in vMPF. If not, update ASAP.


For further information please contact the Ramstein In and Out Processing Facilitators: