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86th AW/IG Complaints & Resolution Frequently Asked Questions

What to expect at the DTC?

Upon arrival at Ramstein Air Base on day one, redeployers are transported by bus to the on-campus Temporary Lodging Facility buildings where two to three redeployers will share each apartment. The rest of the day is set aside for rest and relaxation at the individual's discretion, and a shuttle bus is provided to access all base services including the gym, Kaiserslautern Military Community Center (KMCC), restaurants, etc.

On day two, redeployers will have a morning class and discussion, and then depart for an off-site outing after lunch. The outings allow redeployers to visit popular historic cities in Germany and help ease the transition backto civilian life. Redeployers have free time after returning from the outings in the evening.

On day three, redeployers have a morning and afternoon class, and then free time to pack up and rest for departure the next morning. The DTC shuttle bus will run all three days to ensure redeployers have access to everything Ramstein AB has to offer.

Day four is when redeployers depart for their home bases.