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86th AW/IG Complaints & Resolution Frequently Asked Questions

Deployment Transition Center

Depolyment Transition CenterThe U.S. Air Force Deployment Transition Center at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, operates a continuing world-class organization, en route to redeployers' home station that provides critical reintegration and decompression time to meet the needs of Airmen at high risk to traumatic exposure.

Operation began in July 2010 as part of the overarching resiliency education and training program assisting in the transition from deployment to home station.

The DTC provides two days of centralized training through a graduated
transition home, small group discussion, individual resiliency skills,
coping mechanisms and a support system to fellow Airmen.

The initial throughput of the DTC focuses on Airmen considered most vulnerable due to high potential of exposure to traumatic situations such as convoy operations personnel, explosive ordnance disposal personnel and security forces personnel.

* Note: The program may be extended to other at-risk Air Force mission sets as the DTC matures.

Current as of November 2010