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  • Maintaining world’s largest airlift at Al Udeid

    In January of this year, I deployed to Al Udeid Air Base to serve as the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing Chief of Protocol. I volunteered for this position and have enjoyed my time as a Protocol Officer. For the uninitiated, AUAB is massive, and home to many tenant organizations. Coincidentally enough,

  • 21st Century Leadership: Innovation & Embracing Change

    Over the past year and a half the world has faced a global pandemic, stock market collapse followed by its meteoric rise, global political changes, and rampant social unrest. During this time frame and despite the global upheavals, the U.S. military’s core missions did not change. The war against

  • Harness your experience

    Throughout your career, aim to take on new and difficult additional duties or assignments.  These will build and prepare you for future challenges.

  • Leadership: Choose your journey

    There are three tenants that I live by; choose your journey, don’t accept “no” and fight for what you believe in. Bottom line never give up on you.

  • Attitude is everything

    There is a great quote by Charles R. Swindoll that states “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it”. This quote has resonated with me as I look back at my 20-year career.

  • On an island, leading adaptive Airmen…ready to execute

    My leadership philosophy wasn’t developed overnight; it is rooted in my parent’s investment in my childhood, sharing in my father’s 30 years of service to the Air Force, nurtured with my own life experiences and mentored by a handful of fine general officers.

  • Crisis in perspective

    Living in the time of pandemic has been a draining exercise for us all, but if we take a step back for a moment there are some truly useful observations to be garnered.

  • Where mission meets might: 86 AW and 786 CES

    I wanted to take this opportunity to build upon their insight and expand it by highlighting the leadership opportunities that are brought forth to the Airmen of the mighty 786th Civil Engineer Squadron. Through their leadership capabilities, the Airmen within this legendary squadron successfully

  • Keep the conversation going

    As we all reflect back on our own Extremism Stand-down experiences, it is vital that we keep the conversation open. We have to keep asking questions, keep engaging with each other, most important of all, keep learning and growing. I would argue that few, if any of us, have “arrived,” thus if we as