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  • Refuting 4 ‘Tooth’ Fairy Tales

    As parents, we are completely invested in ensuring our child’s health and well-being. However, many of us may find it can be very difficult to decipher fact from myth when it comes to oral health. Below you will find a few of the most common misleading myths about children’s dental health that have

  • The power of communication

    The name of the English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton might not be familiar to many people, but they may know his famous quote, “The pen is mightier than the sword.”My objective in this article is not to convince the reader that words win over swords, but to illustrate the ability communication has to

  • Seeing red: a remedy with a melody

    Anger is a wildfire. When it’s just an ember, a simple splash of water can put it out. But if you let it grow, it becomes dangerous and tougher to extinguish.I’ve never been the type of person to express my true feelings to people. I’m stubborn to the core so I bottle everything inside. Not just

  • Making things right

    It was a chilly spring evening as I was driving home after spending some time with friends. My wife, who was nine months pregnant at the time, was sleeping soundly in the passenger seat. My only concern at the moment was to bring her home as quickly and safely as possible. As I pulled up to the gate

  • Navigating the path to being forged in the crucible of anxiety

    With less than a week of notice, I was recently assigned a temporary duty to march in the Bastille Day military parade in Paris, France, one of the largest and highest profile military parades in the world. The Bastille Day parade included more than 7,000 military personnel and is the oldest

  • LGBT Experience

    I left for Air Force Basic Military Training on May 11, 2015. I left behind most of my immediate family, the love of my life, Joseph, and our two dogs. The six hour drive to the Military Entrance Processing Station was filled with every emotion ranging from anxious to excitement. An overnight stay

  • Trans in the Military

    My name is Stephanie. I was born and I enlisted into the Air Force as Jonathan from St. Louis, Missouri. My father was in the Air Force as well, and it just made sense for me to leave home the same way. My first year in the military was filled with what I would say every child leaving home deals

  • Before and After the Repeal

    I’m often asked by younger Soldiers and Airmen: what was it like serving under don’t ask, don’t tell? My response, “I was an actress.” Every day I lived a double life. I would pretend to be interested in men. When out with co-workers I would flirt with guys who flirted with me just so no one would

  • Women’s March

    March is typically known around the world as Women’s History Month. Although it happens every year, I sense that 2017 is unique.