• Santa, Elves jump for Operation Toy Drop 2018

    Santa and his helpers, along with members of the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, and seven partner nations conducted static-line and military freefall jumps for Operation Toy Drop 2018, over Alzey Drop Zone, Germany Dec. 11-13, 2018.

  • Ramstein Airmen build a bare base in contested exercise

    Airmen from the 435th Air Ground Operations Wing's 435th Contingency Response Group and more than 11 other organizations, along with one C-130J Super Hercules aircraft assigned to the 37th Airlift Squadron, 86th Airlift Wing, Ramstein Air Base, Germany, deployed to Grostenquin Air Base, France, to

  • 435th CRG demonstrates strike package support concept

    At any moment, in the modern dynamic warfighting environment, anything can happen; and the U.S. Air Force knows flexibility is the key to airpower. This flexibility is forged by Airmen through constant innovation and training.

  • Gen. Wolters thanks Ramstein Airmen

    U.S. Air Force Gen. Tod D. Wolters, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa commander, center, receives a briefing from 435th Air Ground Operations Wing officials at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Oct. 23, 2017. Wolters visited two wings on Ramstein and spoke with Airmen from numerous units.

  • 1st CBCS: sharpening skills, creating solutions

    Airmen assigned to the 1st Combat Communications Squadron conducted a readiness exercise on Rhine Ordnance Barracks, Germany, Oct. 26, 2017.The exercise, is expected to continue for approximately two weeks, and is designed to test the mission capabilities 1st CBCS Airmen. The combat communications

  • The sky’s the limit for 435th AGOW, NATO allies

    U.S. Airmen and NATO service members gather around a weather balloon at McCully Barracks, Germany, June 15, 2017. The 435th Air Ground Operations Wing's 7th Weather Squadron hosted Exercise Cadre Focus 17-1, which included weather troops from Germany, Poland, and Hungary. The exercise aimed to

  • 7th WS, NATO allies, HEAT up

    U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Steven Hollatz, 7th Weather Squadron non-commissioned officer in charge of education and training, left, and Master Sgt. Richard Koch, 7th WS NCO in charge of readiness, operate a Humvee egress assistance trainer on Lucius D. Clay Kaserne, Germany, June 14, 2017. A HEAT

  • 435th CTS, ANG Airmen practice search and rescue

    Staff Sgt. Shane Sexton, 185th Civil Engineer Squadron firefighter, lies in a gurney as he plays the role of a casualty during a Silver Flag exercise on Ramstein Air Base, Germany, May 10, 2017. Airmen from various Air National Guard units gathered on Ramstein to participate in Silver Flag, which is

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