• Earth Day 2020: Time to think about mother Earth

    The idea for a national day to focus on the environment came to Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson, a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, after witnessing the ravages of the 1969 massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, Calif. More than 20 million Americans demonstrated for a healthy, sustainable environment in

  • Stuck in a goal: Starting & continuing ambitions

    As I tediously sit in my home after having second breakfast, watching three back-to-back movie marathons and admiring my stubbly telework beard, I realize these are things I used to get excited about before the coronavirus disease 2019 restrictions were implemented.

  • Protectors of the base

    In a world currently in the midst of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, preventing the spread of the disease is a top priority. The 86th Aerospace Medicine Squadron’s bioenvironmental engineering flight aids in that process by performing N95 respirator mask fit tests for medical personnel.

  • Braving the fire: Airman overcomes difficult childhood, finds joy

    Throughout her life, Airman 1st Class Kayla Jerido, 86th Civil Engineer Squadron fire apprentice, has been described as the positive type, exhibiting a great energy for life. However, those who have heard the energetic 27-year-old’s journey are often taken by surprise.

  • COVID-19 in our community

    While the Air Force will continue reporting total coronavirus disease 2019 cases, installations including Ramstein Air Base, will no longer publish local case numbers on their COVID-19 website pages.

  • 86 MDG details new COVID-19 Drive-Thru Testing

    The 86th Medical Group established a coronavirus disease 2019 drive-thru testing process in the Ramstein Medical Clinic parking lot, March 27, giving patients treatment from their own vehicles.

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