• 435th CRG Wins Multiple Awards

    The 435th Contingency Response Group won three separate 2022 Air Mobility Support Operations Award categories: two at the squadron level and one individual award, April 2023. The awards recognize the 435th Contingency Response Squadron and the 435th Contingency Response Support Squadron as the

  • 8 EAMS Airmen execute rapid global mobility during COVID-19 pandemic

    Airmen with the 8th Expeditionary Air Mobility Squadron at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, are an integral part of the logistics and supply chain both in and out of the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility. If a mission-critical piece of equipment or a service member needs moved, 8 EAMS is more

  • Air Force Expeditionary Center commander visits 521st AMOW units

    U. S. Air Force Maj Gen John Gordy, Air Force Expeditionary Center commander, visited organizations aligned under the 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing. The squadrons, detachments, and operating locations that comprise the 521st AMOW are part of the global air mobility support system.

  • Dover, Ramstein set standard for AMOW C-5 maintenance training

    More than 30 U.S. Air Force Reserve aircraft maintainers assigned to the 512th Airlift Wing along with a 436th Airlift Wing C-5M Super Galaxy aircraft and crew traveled to Ramstein AB Nov. 23, 2018, to assist the 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing with vital hands-on, airframe-specific training.

  • 521st AMOW celebrates 10th Anniversary

    The 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing will celebrate its tenth anniversary and long history of safely expediting maximum war-fighting and humanitarian effects through rapid and precise global air mobility across a more than 5000 mile area of responsibility Sept. 4, 2018, on Ramstein Air Base,

  • Col. Bradley L. Spears assumes command of 521st AMOW

    Col. Bradley L. Spears assumed command of the 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing during a change of command ceremony June 28. Maj. Gen. Christopher Bence, U.S. Air Force Expeditionary Center commander, presided over the ceremony in which Col. Thomas M. Cooper relinquished command of the 521st AMOW

  • Expeditionary Center commander recognizes 521 AMOW’s year of velocity

    Airmen of the 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing hosted Maj. Gen. Christopher Bence, U.S. Air Force Expeditionary Center commander, during their annual awards banquet here Feb. 23.The event provided not only an opportunity to recognize individual nominees and annual award winners for their hard

  • AMC commander visits 521st AMOW

    U.S. Air Force Gen. Carlton D. Everhart II, commander, Air Mobility Command, speaks with U.S. Air Force Maj. Scott Gilliland, 721st Aircraft Maintenance Squadron commander, during a visit to 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing units on Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Aug. 14, 2017. During the visit, the

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