• 521st AMOW: 2020, a year in review

    As the first light of dawn broke on Jan. 1, 2020, no one could have predicted the course of the year. Despite the challenges and pressures, the Airmen of the 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing exemplified our motto “Depend on us!”

  • Air Force Expeditionary Center commander visits 521st AMOW units

    U. S. Air Force Maj Gen John Gordy, Air Force Expeditionary Center commander, visited organizations aligned under the 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing. The squadrons, detachments, and operating locations that comprise the 521st AMOW are part of the global air mobility support system.

  • Flight commanders: Leading the charge

    Sixteen company grade officers assigned to the 86th Airlift Wing and 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing attended the 521st AMOW flight commander’s course on Ramstein Air Base, Germany Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 2018.

  • 521st AMOW celebrates 10th Anniversary

    The 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing will celebrate its tenth anniversary and long history of safely expediting maximum war-fighting and humanitarian effects through rapid and precise global air mobility across a more than 5000 mile area of responsibility Sept. 4, 2018, on Ramstein Air Base,

  • Expeditionary Center commander recognizes 521 AMOW’s year of velocity

    Airmen of the 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing hosted Maj. Gen. Christopher Bence, U.S. Air Force Expeditionary Center commander, during their annual awards banquet here Feb. 23.The event provided not only an opportunity to recognize individual nominees and annual award winners for their hard

  • NASA study supported by 721st AMOG

    The 721st Air Mobility Operations Group provided aircraft ground service support to the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration Armstrong Flight Research Center and to the German Aerospace Agency as they performed a study on biofuels from Jan. 17 to the 19 on Ramstein Air Base.

  • Aerial porters set airlift record

    The 721st Aerial Port Squadron, which is part of the 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, set a record July 27 for the heaviest cargo loaded onto a commercial aircraft in support of a channel mission. The aerial porters planned and packed 120 tons construction material

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