• Seeking Mentorship

    The Kaiserslautern Military Community offers a multitude of opportunities for personal and professional development. Opportunities are readily found at every turn.

  • KMC first sergeants mentor CGOs

    Company grade officers from around the Kaiserslautern Military Community participated in a professional enhancement seminar on Ramstein Air Base June 1, 2017.

  • Atlantic Stripe bolsters NCO development

    Sixty technical sergeants and staff sergeants participated in the first ever Atlantic Stripe, a four-day course built to enhance NCO development, May 9-12.More than 40 Air Force members across multiple organizations at Ramstein teamed up to build the curriculum for the course in an overarching

  • Senior Master to new SNCOs: “Determine your own legacy”

    Ramstein’s newest Senior NCOs gathered, March 7, 2017, at the 86th Force Support Squadron building in order to gain additional leadership skills and refresh themselves on what it means to be part of the Air Force’s highest enlisted tier.

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