• Air Force Expeditionary Center commander visits 521st AMOW units

    U. S. Air Force Maj Gen John Gordy, Air Force Expeditionary Center commander, visited organizations aligned under the 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing. The squadrons, detachments, and operating locations that comprise the 521st AMOW are part of the global air mobility support system.

  • 521st AMOW celebrates 10th Anniversary

    The 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing will celebrate its tenth anniversary and long history of safely expediting maximum war-fighting and humanitarian effects through rapid and precise global air mobility across a more than 5000 mile area of responsibility Sept. 4, 2018, on Ramstein Air Base,

  • Col. Bradley L. Spears assumes command of 521st AMOW

    Col. Bradley L. Spears assumed command of the 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing during a change of command ceremony June 28. Maj. Gen. Christopher Bence, U.S. Air Force Expeditionary Center commander, presided over the ceremony in which Col. Thomas M. Cooper relinquished command of the 521st AMOW

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