721st APS keep FOD off flightline
Senior Master Sgt. Joseph Wheeler, 721st Aerial Port Squadron first sergeant, picks up trash from the flightline during a foreign object debris walk March 31, 2014 at Ramstein Air Base, Germany. Foreign object debris is any substance, debris or article alien to a vehicle or system, which can cause significant damage. The unit preforms FOD sweeps three times a week to prevent this from happening to aircraft engines during takeoff or landing. In fiscal year 2013, Ramstein reported more than $4.8 million due to aircraft FOD damage. To help prevent FOD, clean-up is conducted after any work or maintenance on or near the flight line. For the Airmen who make the effort to ensure the area is carefully scouted for FOD, a golden bolt is hidden on the flightline for the Airman to find with the finder receiving a day off for their efforts. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman Dymekre Allen)