Feb. 1, 2023 Sports Safety Tips from Your Dentist “Down, Set, Hike!” Americans all around the world will be tuning into the Big Game in just a few days. No matter what the reason may be to watch this highly anticipated game - hometown team, party food, or halftime performers - many of us simply love the tradition and energy it brings. Before we try
July 23, 2021 Asking for success Senior Airman Alexander Peterson, 86th Medical Group human performance and ophthalmic technician, was awarded Airlifter of the Week at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, July 15, 2021.
Nov. 25, 2020 Airlifter of the Week: Leading from the front The 86th Airlift Wing recognized Tech. Sgt. Cesar Soto-Betancourt, 86th Dental Squadron general dentistry noncommissioned officer in charge, Nov. 19, 2020, as airlifter of the week for his leadership and adaptability under pressure.
Aug. 7, 2020 Airlifter of the Week: Dreaming big Though the 86th DS dental assistant recently won the title of Airlifter of the Week, the award is just another step towards DeMeyer-Robles’ ultimate Air Force goal: becoming an Air Force officer.
Dec. 3, 2019 Ramstein clenches 23 medical awards The 86th Medical Group recently won 23 of 70 Air Force Medical Service awards at the major command level.
March 27, 2017 Airman begins healing through support April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month and the 86 Airlift Wing SAPR office said sexual assault has a significant impact on the military community at large. One Ramstein Airman stepped forward to tell her story. To maintain her privacy we have agreed to refer to her as Airman
Jan. 13, 2017 Ramstein UBO assist patients with medical insurance For active duty military medical coverage, there’s Tricare. So, where do all the other Ramstein employees and families go for help with other medical insurance?