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  • Sports Safety Tips from Your Dentist

    “Down, Set, Hike!” Americans all around the world will be tuning into the Big Game in just a few days. No matter what the reason may be to watch this highly anticipated game - hometown team, party food, or halftime performers - many of us simply love the tradition and energy it brings. Before we try

  • Asking for success

    Senior Airman Alexander Peterson, 86th Medical Group human performance and ophthalmic technician, was awarded Airlifter of the Week at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, July 15, 2021.

  • Airlifter of the Week: Leading from the front

    The 86th Airlift Wing recognized Tech. Sgt. Cesar Soto-Betancourt, 86th Dental Squadron general dentistry noncommissioned officer in charge, Nov. 19, 2020, as airlifter of the week for his leadership and adaptability under pressure.

  • Airlifter of the Week: Dreaming big

    Though the 86th DS dental assistant recently won the title of Airlifter of the Week, the award is just another step towards DeMeyer-Robles’ ultimate Air Force goal: becoming an Air Force officer.

  • Airman begins healing through support

    April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month and the 86 Airlift Wing SAPR office said sexual assault has a significant impact on the military community at large. One Ramstein Airman stepped forward to tell her story. To maintain her privacy we have agreed to refer to her as Airman