July 7, 2023 Breaking the silence: TSgt Paul Vermaire's journey with mental health recovery Mental health had always been a familiar topic for U.S. Air Force Tech Sgt. Paul Vermaire, 86th Operations Support Squadron aircraft controller. Growing up, he witnessed family members battling depression and suicide. Little did he know. Paul Vermaire’s life would be profoundly affected by his own
Dec. 14, 2021 Saving lives one mile at a time Many people may have seen U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Trevor Derr, 721st Aircraft Maintenance Squadron flight chief, carrying an American flag while running at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, but they may not know the reason behind it.
Nov. 18, 2019 Are you sad or are you SAD? For some, autumn and winter are welcome breaks from the summer heat; but for others, the change in seasons may cause dread.
July 22, 2019 Wounded Warrior shares his Reality to Resiliency Healing. Community. Future. These are three things that Air Force Wounded Warrior gave John Berry, U.S. Air Force Senior Airman and Wounded Warrior ambassador.
Jan. 25, 2019 Heisman Trophy winner visits Ramstein, shares mental health story Heisman Trophy winner, former NFL player, U.S. Olympian, and Mixed Martial Artist Herschel Walker came to the Kaiserslautern Military Community Jan. 9-10, to visit with KMC members and shared his strugges with mental health.Herschel’s story focused on his discovery that he suffered from Dissociative
Sept. 27, 2018 Serving those who serve: the 693rd ISRG’s work of ART Sometimes even the strongest people need a shoulder to lean on.