Capt. Spanky at Neuschwanstein

  • Published
  • By Capt. Spanky
  • 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
Hello Ramstein! I have to say, I've traveled to a lot of countries in the Air Force, but none of them offer the variety, culture and beauty that Germany has to offer. My latest trip here was to a location that was so beautiful, Walt Disney decided to model the castles from his movies after it; and that's Neuschwanstein Castle. When my human told me we were going to see the Disney Castle, I was excited, but when I fi nally saw it on the way there, I nearly hopped out the car window. This gorgeous castle stands on the side of a mountain and can be seen for many miles from the actual location. Once we got there, the town was packed with people trying to make their way up to the castle. There were several options, from hiking, biking or taking a bus. We opted to take the bus because my little legs can only handle so much climbing and we wanted to save that for once we got up there. After we got dropped off at the top, there were even more options. We could go up and see the castle from afar on top of a bridge or go down and walk right up to the castle itself. We decided both. The bridge was amazing. The scene was like something out of a movie. I wish I could have spent more time on there, but the place was packed worse than 20 pounds of dog biscuits in a 10-pound box, so we made our way down to the castle. Unfortunately, the castle was so crowded that we couldn't get tickets to go inside, so we just walked around the perimeter. Seeing the place up-close left this puppy extremely happy. I'd give the trip two paws up!