RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany -- U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Amber Coronado, 86th Airlift Wing Law Office noncommissioned officer in charge of adverse actions, was awarded Airlifter of the Week July 31 for leading a court-martial during COVID-19.
She provided crucial logistical support for a trial that involved multiple witnesses, all while ensuring any health risks were reduced.
“She was solely responsible for leading efforts to travel multiple key witnesses safely from the United States and other countries during a global pandemic, which averted costly delays in the case,” said Master Sgt. Christopher Starr, 86th AW Law Office superintendent.
Coronado had to coordinate with many different agencies and say its takes a lot of work to get a trial like that ready.
Coronado says it’s common that during the weeks leading up to a trial lawyers and paralegals are working 16 hour days, six days a week.
Since COVID-19 remains a worldwide concern, those hours were spent not only preparing for the trial, but ensuring health protocols were in place to keep everyone safe.
Several of the witness and experts for the trial had to travel from the states and Coronado worked with different base agencies as well as German Customs to allow them to travel to Germany amid COVID-19 restrictions.
Coronado put in the work and engineered two remote viewing areas for family, media and spectators; a Ramstein first.
Coronado’s work also ensured those in the viewing rooms and court room could practice physical-distancing.
All her work led to a COVID-19 checklist which was later adopted to standardize all United States Air Forces in Europe cases.
Coronado has been in her career field for seven years now since a friend in paralegal convinced her to cross-train from engine maintenance.
Since arriving in Germany a year ago, Coronado has been thankful for her coworkers, who she knows she couldn’t do all this without their support.
“I had a lot of help with this,” Coronado said. “I really appreciate everybody who helped me.”
Though the days and weeks leading to trial can be long for Coronado and her coworkers she knows it is vital.
“Tech. Sgt. Coronado is an impressive professional Airman who we are very proud of,” Starr said.
When not at work, Coronado, a Payson, Utah native, enjoys running, painting, drawing and traveling.
The Airlifter of the Week program recognizes Ramstein Airmen who, through hard work and dedication, make the 86th Airlift Wing the World’s Best Wing.