86th MDG takes on inspection, accreditation

  • Published
  • By the 86th Medical Group
The Air Force Inspection Agency Health Services Inspection team and a civilian Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care team will visit Ramstein and the 86th Medical Group from May 11 to 14. Both organizations will conduct a thorough review of medical group compliance with standards of clinical practice, management of medical programs, and ability to support the USAF mission.

AFIA inspections are directed by the HQ USAF Inspector General to be performed every 36 months. Health service inspections are by nature historical, taking into account how programs were managed since the last inspection in 2007. DoD policy also requires all military medical treatment facilities retain national accreditation. AAAHC surveyors emphasize education and consultation. The ultimate purpose of the accreditation process is to improve the quality of health care at the MTF being surveyed.

The AFIA inspectors and AAAHC surveyors will be on a very tight timeline they must maintain throughout the week. They will expect to outbrief the Medical Group on May 14.