Located in building 207, CE Self-Help is a base facility established for use by all Military Family Housing occupants and designated primary/alternate building managers. Materials and tools borrowed from CE Self-Help are for minor maintenance and repair of government facilities or equipment, to include base homes.
All borrowed items must be signed for by authorized personnel. Dependents may sign for a sponsor. Items may be borrowed for up to 72 hours and must be returned in good/clean condition. Extensions may be granted on a case-by-case basis. For example, Military Family Housing (MFH) residents may borrow garden implements for the duration or their residence.
Items include gardening tools, lawn mower, leaf blower, shovels, etc. Hand and power tools are also available and will be issued with proper safety gear. HVAC filters and replacement light bulbs are available to MFH residents.
Lastly, CE Self Help provides loaner cable boxes and satellite dishes to both MFH residents and off-base residents; for those looking to stay connected via the Air Force Network (AFN).
Civil Engineering Self Help
Bldg 207
Mon-Fri 1300-1600
DSN: 722-8179/8162
COM: +34-955-84-8179