Updated October 18, 2024
The Vehicle Processing Center consists of three SEPARATE entities:
Vehicle Registration - 569th USFPS
International Auto Logistics - Shipping office
86th Kapaun Vehicle Safety Inspection - 86th VRS
Please keep in mind that Vehicle Registration handles hundreds of customers a day so we apologize if we are unable to answer the phone when you call. We are currently assisting customers at our desks. Emailing our org. box is the best way to contact us:
Closed for all federal holidays/observances, all USAFE and 86 AW down days and the last duty day of each month for end of month inventory and training.
Location: Kapaun AS, Bldg. 2806
Main Station Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday: 0700 – 1500
Walk-ins for De-Registration ONLY: 0700-1430
**De-registration is for when you have shipped your vehicle, sold it to a local national or dealership or junked it. A transfer to a DoD ID cardholder is NOT a de-registration.
Queue in or make an appointment with the 2meter app: https://book.2meters.app/places/F0TwDxzFP7pDw7QAoaJi or use the QR code below! The queue opens at 0645 and closes at 1430, depending on number of customers in the queue. You can join the queue or make an appointment from anywhere with a mobile device or computer. Appointments are only available under initial registration.

Click for a flowchart of all Vehicle Registration transactions.
Follow us on Facebook for the most up to date information, closures and system outages!

**Please coordinate with insurance company at least 1-2 days prior to coming in to ensure it is in the system by time you come and get serviced.**
Certain insurance companies can transmit this electronically into the USAREUR-AF database, it can take up to 24 hours to populate. If you have a local German insurance, you MUST have the German Deckungskarte in your possession.
-When changing plates you need a new blank insurance card.
(Substation) KAPAUN AS, Bldg. 2807 / Ramstein location: KMCC, 2nd Floor near the theater
All registration renewals, registration updates, and temporary to permanent plate transactions are done at the Kapaun Substation on a walk-in basis.
** Registration renewals require a NEW vehicle safety inspection done within the last 75 days. **
Days of Operation (Ramstein Annex Location): Monday-Thursday (0700-1500) / Friday (0700-1400)
- Registration renewals
- Transferring registration between DOD ID cardholders
- Initial registrations after buying a BRAND NEW vehicle or a vehicle with completed inspection and customs
- Change of information requests
- Transfer registration for customers PCSing and driving to the KMC from a previous assignment within Germany (ex: Member completes PCS from Spangdahlem to Ramstein)
- Lost/stolen plates
- Registration replacements
- New emissions decal
- Inspection decal replacements
The Ramstein Annex takes customers on a walk-in, first come first serve basis utilizing the 2meters queue located at the facility. There are no transactions utilizing temporary plates conducted at the Ramstein Annex.
Days of Operation (Kapaun Substation Location): Monday - Friday
Walk-ins: 7-11:30 a.m. and 12:30-3 p.m
The Kapaun Substation takes customers as a walk-in, first come first serve basis for specific services after the vehicle is registered in the USAEUR system. Once registered, the Substation can complete:
- Converting temporary plates to permanent plates
- Registration renewals
- Change of information requests
- Transfer registration for customers PCSing and driving to the KMC from a previous assignment within Germany (ex: Member completes PCS from Spangdahlem to Ramstein)
- Registration replacements
- New emissions decal
- Inspection decal replacements
First Sergeants or Commanders must contact us via email to have you scheduled.
Kapaun NIPR: 569usfps.s5bv.vehicleregistration@us.af.mil
Global Auto Logistics
Kapaun AS, Bldg 2806
Hours: 0800-1600 Monday – Friday
Commercial: +49 (0) 631 – 3579-0088
DSN: 489-7750