Passports & ID cards

Ramstein Passport Office
Location:  Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Bldg 2106, Room 110

Hours of Operation:  Walk-in hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Please schedule an appointment to apply for a passport to minimize your wait time and the impact to our daily operations. All other services are provided on a walk-in basis.

Please go to Waitwhile to schedule an appointment for passport application acceptance. Consular Reports of Birth Abroad (CRBA) are done by appointment only. However, please do not schedule a CRBA appointment via Waitwhile. Please see instructions for CRBAs below. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to or call DSN 314-480-2240 / Commercial +49 6371-47-2240.

Advisory Notice: 

All DoD ID card holders assigned to Germany must apply for passports and CRBAs through a military passport facility. Consular passport services are only available in emergency situations and with prior coordination through a military passport facility.

Our Services (available to all DoD personnel and eligible family members):

  • Official and other No-Fee Passports (only Mondays and Fridays)
  • Expedited Official Passports (any business day)
  • Visas (for official travel only)

Additional Services (available to DoD personnel and eligible family members assigned to Ramstein Air Base and its GSUs):

  • Tourist Passports (only Tuesdays and Thursdays)
  • Emergency Passports
  • Consular Reports of Birth Abroad (CRBA)
  • Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) certificates
  • Out-processing services
  • Guidance on
    • U.S. Citizenship
    • Immigrant Visas for foreign spouses and/or other dependents
    • Marriage in Germany

Entry Requirements for Germany and General Travel Information:

Military members must obtain a tourist passport for leisure travel to other countries. Command-sponsored civilians and their family members as well as command-sponsored family members of military personnel are required to obtain a no-fee passport prior to arrival in Germany (U.S. citizens). They are highly encouraged to have both tourist and no-fee passports while residing in Germany.  If unable to obtain a no-fee passport prior to arrival in Germany, they can proceed using their tourist passport and obtain a SOFA card within 90 days of arrival. No-fee passports are not to be used for leisure travel; they are for official travel only. Contractors, local hire civilians and non-command sponsored family members must be in possession of a tourist passport and obtain a SOFA card within 90 days of arrival in Germany. Sponsors with foreign national family members should seek guidance from our office to find out if a SOFA card must be issued to the foreign national family member prior to their arrival.  The Foreign Clearance Guide also provides information regarding entry and exit requirements for Germany and other countries.

Checklists/Guides for Passport Applications:
Tourist Passport Checklist – FIRST ADULT/MINORS/LOST/STOLEN
Tourist Passport Checklist – ADULT RENEWAL
Tourist Passport Adult Renewal via DropBox – CHECKLIST AND INSTRUCTIONS
No-Fee Military Dependent Passport Checklist – USAF OR USSF SPONSORS
No-Fee Military Dependent Passport Checklist – NON-USAF OR USSF SPONSORS
How to register your newborn (CRBA Guide)

Travel Information:
Are you ready to tour Europe?
What you need to know about SOFA certificates

Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) and Newborn Passports:  These are done by appointment only. Please download and carefully review the "How to register your newborn" guide above. When ready to apply for the CRBA online, please click on the following link to create a MyTravelGov account. The eCRBA process allows U.S. citizen parents to complete an online CRBA application, upload all required documents, and submit payment prior to scheduling an appointment for acceptance of the original documents at our office. Do not contact the Consulate or schedule an appointment with them. If you do not receive an appointment notification from our office within 14 days of submission, please contact us so we can request a status update from the Consulate. A passport application for the newborn can also be processed during your CRBA appointment. NOTE: We highly encourage parents to apply for both a tourist and no-fee passport for their newborn, who must be command sponsored and enrolled in DEERS to apply for a no-fee passport. Both parents and the baby must be present during the appointment. The $100 fee for the eCRBA will be paid for online after you complete your application. The $135 fee for a tourist passport must be paid for during your appointment at our office.  The no-fee passport (if applicable) application will be processed upon receipt of the CRBA certificate.

Tourist Passport and Other Fees:
Tourist Passport Adult (Age 16 and older; first or replacement passport if lost or mutilated) $165
Tourist Passport Adult (Renewal) $130
Tourist Passport Minors (under age 16) $135
Consular Report of Birth Abroad $100

*We only accept money orders or cashier checks; no cash, credit cards or personal checks.

Official Passport and Visas for Official Travel:  Please contact your UDM or the Passport Office for guidance on official passports and visas. You may also visit the MPF One Stop Shop SharePoint Site and select “Passports” to find various guides, checklists and “memo in lieu of orders” or “expedite memo” templates.

Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) Certificates: 
SOFA certificates can be obtained in person during our walk-in hours by bringing below listed original documents for review. We may request additional documents if required.

USAF or USSF Member Dependents:

  • Passport (tourist passport only if a no-fee passport was not issued)
  • Dependent(s)’ ID card or a RAPIDS-generated DD Form 1172-2 showing all dependents are enrolled in DEERS (valid for 90 days after form is generated via MilConnect)
  • AMS Surf showing sponsor’s DEROS
  • PCS/CED/TDY orders to Ramstein

Civilians or Contractors and their Dependents:

  • Passport (tourist passport only if an official passport was not issued)
  • CAC and/or dependent(s)’ ID card or a RAPIDS-generated DD Form 1172-2 showing all dependents are enrolled in DEERS (valid for 90 days after form is generated via MilConnect)
  • CPO/HRO/DOCPER/sponsoring agency-certified AE Form 600-77A (valid for 90 days after certification)  


Ramstein ID Cards Office

Location:  Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Bldg 2106, Room 117

Hours of Operation:  Walk-in hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and Wednesday: 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.  We highly recommend scheduling an appointment to minimize your wait time and the impact to our daily operations.

Appointment-based customers are prioritized over walk-in customers. Please go to Waitwhile to schedule an appointment. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to or call DSN 314-480-2240/ Commercial +49 6371-47-2240.

Available Services:

  • Initial issue and renewal of Common Access Cards (CAC)
  • Dependent ID Cards
  • Retiree ID Cards
  • DEERS enrollments/updates
  • Out-processing actions for Retirement/Separation
  • CAC Certificate updates
  • Resets of PINs and blocked CACs
  • Verified DD Form 1172-2 print-outs
  • Replacement of lost/stolen CACs and ID cards
  • Guidance on Marriage in Germany

**CACs and ID cards are normally reissued within 30 days of the expiration date or if personal information needs to be changed (i.e. name, grade etc.). **

DoD civilians must bring a DD Form 1172-2 from their servicing personnel office or sponsoring agency.  Local National (DoD OCONUS Local Hire) civilians should also bring an SF 50, AF Form 825, AE Form 690-70E, or other local HR form verifying employment status (recommended, but not mandatory).

Contract personnel requesting overseas privileges must bring a DD Form 1172-2 from their servicing personnel office or sponsoring agency.

Dependent family members must be accompanied by their sponsor to obtain an ID card. Exceptions:  A DD Form 1172-2 signed by the sponsor and a DEERS verifying official, a general or special power of attorney or a digitally signed DD Form 1172-2 generated via RAPIDS DoD self-service (Milconnect) is presented by the dependent. 

Note:  DD Forms 1172-2 are only valid for 90 days after signature of the sponsor or sponsoring agency.

Dependent ID Online (DIDO) Renewal:  To renew or replace your dependents’ ID cards online, please go to Dependent ID Online (DIDO) for further instructions. Sponsors using this virtual service need to be aware that their dependent(s)’ ID card(s) will be terminated in DEERS to create the new ID card. This may cause issues when entering the installation using a terminated ID card. Ramstein installation guards have been advised to allow admittance for new ID card pick-up as long as the dependent has a copy of the pick-up notification e-mail from our office. We don’t recommend using this service if residing or working on an Army installation as their guards may not accept the pick-up notification e-mail.  

Lost or Stolen ID Cards:  Please provide a "lost/stolen ID Card" letter signed by your commander, first sergeant, or flight commander and the Law Enforcement Desk and two forms of picture ID.  See below links.  A copy of the lost letter can also be obtained from the MPF One Stop Shop SharePoint Site, our office or your first sergeant. Please click on MPF One Stop Shop and select "ID Cards" to find the lost letter templates and additional resources. 

ID Card Lost Letter - Active Duty USAF/USSF
ID Card Lost Letter - Civilian or Contractor
ID Card Lost Letter – Retired or Sister Service Member

Please use the First Time CAC User Guide for initial CACs and CAC Replacement Guide for CAC renewals.

Every CAC or ID Card must be registered in Defense Biometric ID System (DBIDS) to authorize personnel access to one or more military installations. Upon arrival at the gate, your CAC or ID card will be scanned and registered for entry.  Local National personnel must first visit the West Gate Visitor Control Center to manually register their CACs in DBIDS.