Sponsor Program

Updated July 12, 2022

The unit command support staff (CSS) or other unit members designated by the unit commander, will provide sponsorship for members, and their authorized dependents, to assist in a smooth PCS transition. 


No matter how many times you've PCS'd or even if you've been assigned to Ramstein before, you need to make contact with your sponsor to make sure you're aware of the latest in-processing policies and requirements BEFORE you arrive.

Your sponsor is the key to your successful PCS! They will save you valuable time and hassle before, during, and after your arrival. Keep in mind that when a sponsor is assigned to an active duty member with a family, they do not only sponsor the active duty member; they address the needs of the entire family including pets.

Your assigned squadron will appoint you a sponsor. If your sponsor hasn't contacted you within a week after you receive your orders, please obtain your sponsor's contact information through the gaining squadron, or through 786 FSS/FSPS Customer Service. If additional help is required you can also contact the Military & Family Readiness Center: DSN 314-480-5100, Commercial (+49) 6371-47-5100 or 86fss.mfrc@us.af.mil

Good luck and welcome to Germany!

For anyone interested in becoming a Sponsor, check out the Sponsorship Hub on VIPER. 

Note on fuel rations for sponsors: Driving newcomers around during their first few weeks can put a tremendous dent in a sponsor's fuel ration. However, sponsors can request additional fuel rations with unit commander approval. Members have to complete AE Form 600-17A, and then take the form to vehicle registration or e-mail them to the Registry of Motor Vehicles office rmvcustsvc@eur.army.mil for faster processing. This is not intended to be a long-term or permanent increase, but for sponsors while they are assisting newcomers. Not all sponsors may be aware of this option, so be sure to inform your sponsor.