
Capt. Spanky learns Fasching

RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany - -- Good day, or "Guten Tag" my furless followers. This week I took time off from the Ramstein mission to focus on some local events - Fasching!

It was time to celebrate and party, with CHEESE! Well, I hope you got your party on because by the time you read this, it will be over. Let's discuss what Fasching is.

Traditionally, it was celebrated by the Roman Catholic communities of Germany, Switzerland and Austria, but now it is celebrated everywhere in different forms.

A similar event with close roots is Mardi Gras and Fat Tuesday, celebrated in New Orleans, La. I had a cousin in New Orleans who used to play with a jazz band; he played the tambourine with his mouth.

Humans celebrate with a variety of things, including parades and dressing up like animals. I mean, look at me, how can you not want to dress like an awesome cheese-loving pup?

So when do the celebrations happen? Weiberfastnacht, the Thursday before Ash Wednesday, is the start. The weekend afterwards is full of community events and parties. Rosenmontag is on a Monday, when most of the large scale celebrations happen. Then you have Fastnachtsdienstag, the last day to party. So you had a whole week to involve yourself in the culture; I know I enjoyed the parade at Ramstein village last Tuesday. (Feb. 17, 2015)

So friends, things may vary since everybody celebrates differently, but everybody likes to party. So I hope you had a Fasching-great time and that you keep enjoying the local culture.